In 2014 we started a little experiment.

We walked up to a school for vulnerable children somewhere in India. We met Saina, an eight year old, and asked her what does she want to be when she grows up.

Saina said – I want to fly.

We gathered Saina and her friends and helped them build a hypercool library using just a wall. That’s how we got our name too.

We equipped it with a startup grant of 100 books (and a world map, a light bulb and a few more things) and elected a little leader to run it. For the kids, their world turned upside down. For most of them, this was their first story book. We built the second. The third. A hundred. Another hundred! We didn’t stop. And then it struck us. Like a thunderbolt.

What if we could connect two kids using just a postcard?

We connected kids in Darjeeling who wanted to swim in the biggest ocean in the world to kids in Mauritius who had never seen a mountain.

This is what happened.

Things moved fast. They needed more space. We wondered!

What if they could make their own storybooks and share them with each other?

We ended up creating a magical storybook that just needs a single sheet of paper.

Today we work with thousands of children in vulnerable communities where a library needs only a wall, where children write magical storybooks for each other and where parents are finally proud of what their children learn.

We are on a mission to reach every kid who doesn’t have a storybook. But we cannot do this alone.

Join a remarkable community of individuals from around the world who help us create magical storybooks for children. If you work with children in a conflict zone or vulnerable community, write to us to find out how we can help you break the walls surrounding them.

Let’s break a wall.